Fremantle/ Roo burgers


A few weeks ago we all went to Fremantle, which is about a 30 minute drive out of Perth. First we went to the old prison and explored that for a little while, then we went to the market where we walked around and explored the different shops. We found this aboriginal art place, which was so cool! There were different types of things like decorated message stones, art work, shakers, boomerangs and more. They were all hand painted and were all different designs and colours.

Then mom came across a burger place, which was where Terry and Lisa had recommended for roo burgers (kangaroo burger), so we went in and ordered dinner. I was nervous to eat them, but I went ahead and tried it. They were okay, but I felt so bad eating those poor soft and cute kangaroo’s.  I don’t think I will ever eat one again, but I’m glad that I tried it.

🙂 -Sydney

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5 Responses to Fremantle/ Roo burgers

  1. Atta girl! Way to try something new!!!

  2. Lori Moccio says:

    Wow! Sydney! Good for you for trying it. What did it taste like? Do you like I would like them? DId you put ketchup on top just like a hamburger?

  3. Well Sydney, before you left you told me you were going to eat Kangaroo…. so you did!! What else do you want to accomplish while you are in Australia, maybe eating rattlesnake?

  4. oh Sydney ……Now that you have tried kangaroo …you probably would enjoy ..cod tongues or moose steak or a big piece of seal flipper pie ..?? should I bring some or all of them home for you ????? loved the story of your family on the camels …..and the pictures ….you are so brave ……sounds like you are having lots of family fun and exciting adventures ……look forward to hearing from you soon …big hugs …grandma T

  5. Andrea Koop says:

    Love hearing about your amazing experiences Sydney!! We talk about you guys often, good to hear from you again!

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